BOBO is the mascot of the BFB Sport, taking honey badger as the prototype. lt is known for its daring to challenge the strong, never admit defeat, fight to the end, and indomitable fighting spirit. BOBO will be youroyal partner in the game and accompany you on your passionate football journey.
BOBO is designed with 5 colors, and limited to a total of 10,000 copies. Five different BOBO can combined into higher value Clubs. lts applications go farbeyond collecting and displaying. lt will be your lucky symbol in the game.bringing your team good luck and victory!
As a kind of NFT , Club plays an important role in BFB Sport. During the competition, players can choose a club to register on, participate league and cup, and fight for it. The Club owner can receive the membership fee, player trading cost, match bonus, etc. Usually, the Club NFT can be created by synthesize five different BOBO NFT.
The football pitch in BFB Sport is a meticulously designed virtual arena that captures the essence of real-world stadiums. The pitch dimensions adhere to professional standards, offering plenty of space for strategic play and thrilling matches. As a NFT asset, the Pitch can provide a sustainable revenue for the owner. For example, rent cost, ads and sponsor fee.