Demo Version 1.41 2024-05

Action characteristics

1. The game entry interface has been improved and optimized, and the interface interaction has been improved compared with the previous version, and the UI design is more user-friendly, making players more comfortable to enter the game

Demo Version 1.4 2024-05

Action characteristics

1. Adaptive tactics: The ability to choose the best tactics adaptively and make real-time adjustments according to the situation of the game and the strategy of the opponent.

2. Multi-level collaboration: Reaching new heights of collaboration, enabling highly coordinated teamwork.

3. Detail optimization: The movement is more delicate, simulating the real player's running, passing, shooting and defending details.


1. Pros: Provides the closest experience to a real football game, with performance almost comparable to that of human players.

Demo Version 1.3 2024-03

Action characteristics

1. Advanced tactics: The ability to execute complex tactics, including the implementation of a variety of offensive and defensive tactics.

2. Real-time learning: you can learn your opponent's tactics and habits during the game and adjust your strategy in real time.

3. Emotional simulation: Players are able to simulate emotional reactions, such as celebration after a goal and remorse after a mistake.


1. The authenticity and interactivity of the game are greatly improved, and the player experience is more rich and diverse.

Demo Version 1.2 2024-01

Action characteristics

1. Strategic behavior: The player acquire basic tactical awareness and be able to adjust attack and defensive strategies according to the situation of the game.

2. Teamwork: Players work better with each other, passing and running more strategically.

3. Predictive ability: Can anticipate the opponent's movements and react in advance, such as intercepting passes and blocking shots.


1. The game experience is significantly improved, and the intelligence of AI actions makes the game more challenging and interesting.

Demo Version 1.1 2023-11

Action characteristics

1. Enhance behavior: Start introducing basic strategic behavior, such as simple coordination and defensive positioning.

2. Dynamic path: The action path adds a certain amount of randomness, closer to the situation in real football matches.

3. Quick reflexes: The player's reaction time to the ball has improved, allowing him to make quicker decisions.


More smooth match and performance closer to real players.

Demo Version 1.0 2023-09

Action characteristics

1. Basic behavior: Players can basically perform simple passing, shooting and defensive actions on the field.

2. Pre-programmed path: The action path is basically pre-programmed and lacks randomness and flexibility.

3. Simple reactions: The player's reaction to the ball is relatively slow, relying mainly on the user’s manual operation to complete complex actions.


1. Allows users to experience the most basic football game operations.